Abigail Smedly & Tanya Wait, on public health, their paths to nursing, and the tangible expression of love

Abigail Smedly & Tanya Wait, on public health, their paths to nursing, and the tangible expression of love
We Are Chaffee's Looking Upstream
Abigail Smedly & Tanya Wait, on public health, their paths to nursing, and the tangible expression of love

Oct 04 2022 | 00:53:13

Episode 6 October 04, 2022 00:53:13

Hosted By

We Are Chaffee

Show Notes

In this episode of the We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream podcast, host Adam Williams talks with Tanya Wait and Abigail Smedly, deeply empathetic public health nurses in Chaffee County, Colorado. 

Abigail tells about a life-changing experience that happened in the country of Kazakhstan when she was 16 years old. Tanya tells about how her nursing career nearly was derailed before it began, due to, of all things, a public health crisis.

Adam asks what makes “public health” nursing different from the typical role nurses hold in hospitals and doctors’ offices. And Abigail and Tanya elaborate on the definition of “social determinants of health,” which are at the heart of Looking Upstream's mission.

They also talk about the mobile health clinic in Chaffee County, which Tanya and Abigail staff, mental health and tangible expressions of love.


This episode of We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream was recorded at KHEN radio (khen.org) in Salida, Colorado. We Are Chaffee (wearechaffee.org) also partners with KHEN for local radio broadcasting of the Looking Upstream podcast.

The We Are Chaffee: Looking Upstream podcast is a collaboration with the Chaffee County Departments of Public Health and Housing, and is supported by the Colorado Public Health & Environment: Office of Health Disparities. 

You can see show notes, read the show transcript, and learn more about the Looking Upstream podcast (and related storytelling initiatives) at wearechaffee.org, and on Instagram and Facebook @wearechaffee.


Adam Williams, host; Jon Pray, engineer and producer; Heather Gorby, graphic and web design; Lisa Martin, producer and We Are Chaffee Community Advocacy Coordinator; Andrea Carlstrom, Director of Chaffee County Public Health and Environment, and Becky Gray, Director of the Chaffee Housing Authority. 

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